Thursday, September 11, 2014

Lab 2: Basic HTML

Lab 2 : Due Sept 16, 2014

This week, we'll learn some basics of HTML. It'll help you to create/modify the webpage you created in Lab 1.

1. Create a simple HTML file. Use this link

2. Learn basic HTML commands. You can use the material - "Lab-2-Basic HTML.pdf" uploaded to your ICON. And, you can also use this website w3schools website

  2.1 Some useful links:

3. Remember to try and use these tags (you'll be graded based on these - use all!):
  •        <html> </html>
  •        <head> </head>
  •        <title> </title>
  •        <body> </body>
  •        <h1> </h1> <h2> </h2> ……
  •        <ol> </ol> <ul> </ul> (include 3 links/items in your list)
  •        <li> </li>
  •        <a> </a>
  •        <img>
  •        <p> </p>
  •        <br>
  •        <em> </em>
  •        <strong> </strong>
  •        <hr>
4. Once you have created a HTML page, “YourPage.html” transfer it to your using Filezilla, just like the way you did in Lab1 to transfer a Sample.txt file. Use this link and follow the instructions to copy the link as a hyperlink.

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